STAGE 71: Games Of 2020

STAGE 71: Games Of 2020

Last year may not have gone down as one of the best years we had, if anything, comparing it to a dumpster fire wouldn’t be too far off .

In a year where so many things went wrong, video games were pretty much one of the very few Highlights that stood out in 2020.

The ability to spend hours disappearing into a beautiful world like those in the far away islands of Animal Crossing, the competitive but fun gameshow aesthetic of Fall Guys or revisiting old friends in the land of Midgar was a much welcomed breather that we all needed. Continue reading →

Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments
STAGE 50: Halloween 4

STAGE 50: Halloween 4

Hoodie and jacket season has returned, pop up costume shops are in full force and Halloween trick-or-treating is right around the corner.
With this haunting day of celebration being among us, It’s time for the Retro VGM Revival hour to have its annual Stage Honoring some haunting Video Game Music Tracks. Ranging from sinister first person puzzle games and haunting text adventures to frantic, blood-soaked singleplayer romps, it’s a diverse selection of thrills no matter what you’re in the mood for this 31st of october.

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments
Episode 160: Serving Up 31 Flavors of DOOM With Dan Cortese

Episode 160: Serving Up 31 Flavors of DOOM With Dan Cortese

In this episode, Our lovable hosts are wondering why eating ice cream out of a Baseball hat made it much more delicious! We also look back at some weird things that fast food restaurants tried to do to get your hard earned money! We also give Kudos and much love for the greatest manager, wrestler and broadcast journalist: Bobby “the Brain” Heenan……. and finally, Rob creams his pants once again talking about DOOM (the video game, not the word).

It’s two morons killing a half hour of your life that you will never get back, HOOOOORAY!!!

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in The Nostalgia Roadtrip, 0 comments
STAGE 16: Computer Games

STAGE 16: Computer Games

Whether or not you believe that computer games are the better format to play games, to me its not about that, an awesome video game is an awesome video game no matter what you use to play it. And out of the majority of game soundtracks that are out there that focus on current or retro consoles, I don’t really see much emphasis on Computer game soundtracks.

So I took it upon myself to dedicate this STAGE on COMPUTER GAMES, now this will mostly focus on classic PC games of the past, so I hope you got your floppy disks handy and are ready, because once you hit that ENTER key, you’ll be in for one amazing experience giving much love and honor to these amazing tracks.

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments