
STAGE 70: Halloween VII

STAGE 70: Halloween VII

Some of the best horror games share something in common: and that is The ability to deliver a feeling of fright and unease upon pressing start on the title screen. There is truly something unique upon playing a horror themed game that gets you in a heart-racing and adrenaline-pumped frenzy, whether it’s guns a blazing, avoiding an overwhelming threat or puzzle solving.

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments
STAGE 51: Castlevania (Part 3)

STAGE 51: Castlevania (Part 3)

A Dark shadow looms over the land.
Horrid creations of of the living dead , the supernatural and the unexplainable walk amongst us …..Monsters that fill our hearts and minds with sheer terror.

But in this darkness, a hero returns.
A whip-wielding vampire hunter, dedicating his life for a noble cause.

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments
STAGE 26: Halloween 2

STAGE 26: Halloween 2

It’s Halloween season and for me Horror-themed games are fun to play all year round. However, only a select few are best played during Halloween. As a result, horror based games provide not only chills, but bring great memories that amplify the enjoyment of this particular day even more-so.

Traditionally, Halloween festivities include trick-or-treating, Horror movie marathons, and costume parties, but when it comes to The retro VGM Revival Hour, This year, like every year, Its about getting yourself ready to get you in the mood to celebrate this holiday the only way I know how: Video Game Music.

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments
STAGE 10: Castlevania

STAGE 10: Castlevania

It’s time to have your whip handy and make sure you stock up on plenty of holy water, because you’re about to face the master of darkness himself, DRACULA!

And what better way to Overcome his incredible armies of the dead than to have these amazing tunes playing through the background, reassuring that his end will soon be near.

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments