Mega Man

BONUS STAGE 7 – Friendship Edition

BONUS STAGE 7 – Friendship Edition

Now that the dumpster fire that is 2020 is coming to and end, Its time to look forward to the many new challenges and experiences that are in store for us, and with that It’s that time again here at the Retro VGM Revival hour, where you, the fellow listener, have entered another BONUS STAGE.

So let us take a little break from the action and distract ourselves with something to reward your progress thus far.

These video game tracks are a selection of random video game compositions that I have chosen as a reward for showing much love and respect to those have been with this podcast since its inception…but this time, It’s a little bit different. Continue reading →

Now that the dumpster fire that is 2020 is coming to and end, Its time to look forward to the many new challenges and experiences that are in store for us, and with that It’s that time again here at the Retro VGM Revival hour, where you, the fellow listener, have entered another BONUS STAGE.

So let us take a little break from the action and distract ourselves with something to reward your progress thus far.

These video game tracks are a selection of random video game compositions that I have chosen as a reward for showing much love and respect to those have been with this podcast since its inception…but this time, It’s a little bit different. Continue reading →

Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments
Episode 186: Blue Bombing Through The Power of Toxic Fandom AGAIN!!

Episode 186: Blue Bombing Through The Power of Toxic Fandom AGAIN!!

In this episode, your amazing hosts return from their little hiatuses and are here to talk about ….toxic fandom.


Yes, we have nothing else new to talk about even after the small break, so listen to us talk about why people should give the new Netflix She-Ra a chance.


Plus we talk about Megaman, because we love Megaman.


It’s two morons killing a half hour of your life that you will never get back, HOOOOORAY!!!

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in The Nostalgia Roadtrip, 0 comments


It’s that time again here at the Retro VGM Revival hour, where you, the fellow listener, have entered another BONUS STAGE. No theme, or subject, just a selection of random tracks of the past and present as a reward for showing much love and respect to the art of Video Game Music. So as you sit back and surround yourself with your beverage of choice, just Listen to these amazing tracks to get you excited to take on whatever lies a head.

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments
STAGE 7: Boss Music

STAGE 7: Boss Music

You’ve Made it though all the obstacles this stage has thrown at you, but now your skill are going to be taken to the ultimate test as you take on the stage boss! You you think you have what it takes to overcome the odds and come out victorious?

This Particular STAGE is all about BOSS MUSIC, so lets hope you have Plenty of Energy Tanks stored, because this will be a fight to the finish!


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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments
STAGE 6: Game Boy

STAGE 6: Game Boy

April 21, 1989

25 Years Ago, We started to play with power, Portable Power!
And it seems that we have not stopped yet

Can you believe it’s been 25 YEARS!! 25 Years ago the Game Boy launched in Japan and melted faces. So this special STAGE 6 is here to Celebrate what an amazing console it was with help from some of these selected tracks. You better put on your party hat and get those balloons ready, because this Game Boy party cannot start without YOU!

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments
STAGE 4: Mega Man

STAGE 4: Mega Man

Video game music based on The much beloved MEGA MAN games is what this very special Stage 4 is all about, so make sure you have plenty of “E” tanks handy and have your Mega Buster fully charged up. This episode might just blow you away in its sheer epicness of all things Mega Man

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments