
Saturday Morning Breakfast Mix – Galaxy High School

Saturday Morning Breakfast Mix – Galaxy High School

Welcome to the Saturday Morning Breakfast Mix! A show that remembers and honors those great cartoon shows that many of us grew up with. Whether you were an 80s kid or a 90s kid, we all remember those Saturday mornings just sitting in your living room/bedroom wearing your footie pajamas with a box of cereal In hand and enjoying hours upon hours of television geared towards you.

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Saturday Morning Breakfast Mix, 0 comments
Episode 187: Cartoon NETWORK All Stars To The Rescue From Robbie’s Dream Team

Episode 187: Cartoon NETWORK All Stars To The Rescue From Robbie’s Dream Team

In this episode, your amazing hosts return from their little hiatuses (AGAIN) and give tribute and proper kudos to the real life Waluigi of children’s television: ROBBIE ROTTEN, for he has left this mortal coil to be remembered forever in our hearts as the real hero of LazyTown.

Plus, we talk about who would appear in the new version of Cartoon All Stars To The Rescue.

It’s two morons killing a half hour of your life that you will never get back, HOOOOORAY!!!

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in The Nostalgia Roadtrip, 1 comment
Episode 186: Blue Bombing Through The Power of Toxic Fandom AGAIN!!

Episode 186: Blue Bombing Through The Power of Toxic Fandom AGAIN!!

In this episode, your amazing hosts return from their little hiatuses and are here to talk about ….toxic fandom.


Yes, we have nothing else new to talk about even after the small break, so listen to us talk about why people should give the new Netflix She-Ra a chance.


Plus we talk about Megaman, because we love Megaman.


It’s two morons killing a half hour of your life that you will never get back, HOOOOORAY!!!

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in The Nostalgia Roadtrip, 0 comments
Episode 185: Riding that Hype Train Into The Bottomless Pit Of Disappointment

Episode 185: Riding that Hype Train Into The Bottomless Pit Of Disappointment

In this episode, your amazing hosts talk about how getting excited about something might turn out the be the worst thing in your life. While various people are doing their own E3 coverage and getting excited over fully rendered cut-scenes, we’re here bringing you down to our level and dropping the truth bomb on you.

It’s two morons killing a half hour of your life that you will never get back, HOOOOORAY!!!

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in The Nostalgia Roadtrip, 0 comments
Episode 184: Are We Not Men? We Are Space Cowboys!

Episode 184: Are We Not Men? We Are Space Cowboys!

In this episode, your amazing hosts talk about movies, music and even anime that will out-live all of us! We also talk about dumb stuff, and even Robert gets to cream his pants for joy when he gets to talk about his favorite music groups: Devo and Talking Heads.

It’s two morons killing a half hour of your life that you will never get back, HOOOOORAY!!!

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in The Nostalgia Roadtrip, 0 comments
Episode 183: 30 Year Old Men Argue With 8 Year Old Children About Cat Men Who Play With Swords

Episode 183: 30 Year Old Men Argue With 8 Year Old Children About Cat Men Who Play With Swords

In this episode, Your amazing Hosts Visit the Land of “Raping my Childhood” yet again, and this argument involves some cats…..Thundercats! It’s literally an episode where we scream about being tired of this man-baby garbage and try to understand why some people cannot just let things go and respect others viewpoints.

It’s two morons killing a half hour of your life that you will never get back, HOOOOORAY!!!

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in The Nostalgia Roadtrip, 0 comments
Episode 182: Acknowledging Some Fake Mothers With Blabbering Blatherskites

Episode 182: Acknowledging Some Fake Mothers With Blabbering Blatherskites

In this episode, Your amazing Hosts Discuss the various mothers we had growing up, be it cartoon or sitcom! We also talk about GizmoDuck (more importantly the Duck behind the Armor) and realize that he has the most well rounded story in the entire Ducktales Cannon. Also, we HATE Bubba Duck!!!!!

It’s two morons killing a half hour of your life that you will never get back, HOOOOORAY!!!

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in The Nostalgia Roadtrip, 0 comments
Episode 181: A Rastafarian Banana Looks and Judges Upon Your Pizza Topping Life Decisions

Episode 181: A Rastafarian Banana Looks and Judges Upon Your Pizza Topping Life Decisions

In this episode, Your amazing Hosts Discuss the type of crap food we ate as kids, and realize that since our taste-buds have changed over time to the point that we can’t even know the difference between a fart and a shart! We also talk about Rastafarian bananas and finally settle the score between the those that like pineapple in their pizza and those that don’t, because HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER!!!!!

It’s two morons killing a half hour of your life that you will never get back, HOOOOORAY!!!

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in The Nostalgia Roadtrip, 0 comments
Episode 180: Consenting With Fictional Beings In Order To Have An Invisible Wang In Our Faces

Episode 180: Consenting With Fictional Beings In Order To Have An Invisible Wang In Our Faces

In this episode, Your amazing Hosts Discuss what is the proper age of Consent when it comes to being in a relationship with an immortal fictional character, and even wonder what creature/monster/or fictional being hasn’t been romanticized yet! We also talk about what it would be like to have an invisible penis slapped across your face.

It’s two morons killing a half hour of your life that you will never get back, HOOOOORAY!!!

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in The Nostalgia Roadtrip, 0 comments
Episode 178: Mid-Life Tales of Piercing Intrigue And Useless Information

Episode 178: Mid-Life Tales of Piercing Intrigue And Useless Information

In this episode, One of Our Hosts gets another piercing, why? well….. wouldn’t you like to know! We also discover a rebellious past from our other host, but you need to listen to know what it is. We also discuss times in which we tried to do things on our own, only to have our lives placed on hard reset, because our parents make the rules.

It’s two morons killing a half hour of your life that you will never get back, HOOOOORAY!!!

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in The Nostalgia Roadtrip, 0 comments