Episode 169: One’s Right of Passage Occurs When Finally Achieving The Task of Programing The VCR

Episode 169: One’s Right of Passage Occurs When Finally Achieving The Task of Programing The VCR

In this episode, Our Hosts discuss the original super-hero lineup that we had growing up. That’s right, we’re talking about those heroes that graced our televisions after school each week: THE PBS SUPERHEROES!!! We also talk about why old women seem to have a knack for coloring their hair in Fruit Loop combinations. We also discuss that to become truly an adult was to master the skill of setting up and programming the family VCR!

It’s two morons killing a half hour of your life that you will never get back, HOOOOORAY!!!

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in The Nostalgia Roadtrip, 0 comments