pineapple pizza

Episode 181: A Rastafarian Banana Looks and Judges Upon Your Pizza Topping Life Decisions

Episode 181: A Rastafarian Banana Looks and Judges Upon Your Pizza Topping Life Decisions

In this episode, Your amazing Hosts Discuss the type of crap food we ate as kids, and realize that since our taste-buds have changed over time to the point that we can’t even know the difference between a fart and a shart! We also talk about Rastafarian bananas and finally settle the score between the those that like pineapple in their pizza and those that don’t, because HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER!!!!!

It’s two morons killing a half hour of your life that you will never get back, HOOOOORAY!!!

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in The Nostalgia Roadtrip, 0 comments