super famicom

STAGE 25: Super Mario Bros.

STAGE 25: Super Mario Bros.

Hard to believe it has been 30 years since we were first told “our princess is in another castle.” For those of you not familiar with the reference, “Super Mario Bros.,” one of the most popular video games of all time, turned 30 this year.

Super mario bros. has grown to become one of the most popular video game series of all time and it’s main protagonist, Mario , is the closest thing to Mickey Mouse in the world of video games, an instantly recognizable symbol of gaming and a mascot for its company, NINTENDO

so this STAGE of the retro VGM revival hour is dedicated to that video game icon, Super Mario…

here we goooooooooo!!!

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments
STAGE 19: Wrestling Games

STAGE 19: Wrestling Games

It’s WrestleMania season, and for many wrestling fans this is the pinnacle of a years worth of storylines, subplots, feuds and rivalries . Their desire to see their favorite superstars compete against each other in whats considered the Super Bowl of wrestling is the greatest experience to behold.

Wrestling video games are built for our imagination. To take your favorite wrestler and put him down a path that you won’t see on TV, or to make your own pro wrestler and have him chase the for Championship.

So Today we are going to look at some of the best video games to ever be made about Pro Wrestling by listening to their amazing Music.

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments
STAGE 17: SunSoft

STAGE 17: SunSoft

SUNSOFT began developing original games and technology for the home console market in the latter half of the 1980s , with emphasis mostly on the NES which many would say was the golden era for the company. The games they released for the Nintendo Entertainment system were widely considered widely entertaining in both gameplay, graphics and more importantly MUSIC.

Sunsoft developed video games with awesome soundtracks, games like Blaster Master, Gimmick!, and Journey to Silius. And with those few mentions listed, It was no surprise that I would dedicate this entire STAGE of the Retro VGM Revival hour to one of my favorite game companies growing up: SUNSOFT. So get ready to go into a time warp of amazing and legendary SUNSOFT game music.

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments
STAGE 11: Halloween

STAGE 11: Halloween

Boys and girls of every age, wouldn’t you like to hear something strange? Come with us and you’ll shall see, this STAGE’s based on HALLOWEEN!

Yes, my ghouls and ghosts… This particular STAGE is all about games that will get you in the mood, just in time for treat or treating!

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments
STAGE 44: Big In Japan

STAGE 44: Big In Japan

Despite the variety of games that have come across the American shores for various video game consoles over the years, there are still a variety of games that could not make the perilous voyage across the sea to the US or even Europe for that matter.

whatever the reasons may be, there are a multitude of games from various consoles that have yet to be experienced in our lifetimes. so with that, this STAGE of the retro VGM revival is dedicated to tracks from various games that many have not heard of.

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments