Video game composer

STAGE 68: Games Of 2019

STAGE 68: Games Of 2019

Better late than never!

This past 2019 was surprisingly strong for the world of gaming, offering up an incredibly varied mix of interactive experiences to all who played.

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments



released mid-way through the life of the sega genesis, The Sega CD allowed many gamers to play CD-based games. The system add-on also included various hardware functionalities such as a faster central processing unit , graphic enhancements and even play audio CDs.
By the early 1990s, compact discs were making significant headway as a storage medium for music and video games, with the TurboGrafx-CD being the first to use such technology in a video game console.
Because of this Sega’s Consumer Products Research and Development Labs were given the task of creating a CD-ROM add-on for the sega genesis, which became the Sega CD.

The main benefit of CD technology was greater storage, which allowed for games to be nearly 320 times larger than Genesis cartridges. This benefit would also introduce the concept of full motion video to many players who were lucky enough to own one.

As time passed, the releases of new CD-based consoles such as the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer would render the Sega CD technically obsolete, reducing public interest in the add-on.[12] In late 1993, less than a year after the system’s launches in North America and Europe, the gaming media reported that Sega was no longer accepting in-house development proposals for the Sega-CD in Japan.[23] Then, In early 1995, Sega would shift its focus to the Sega Saturn and discontinue all advertising for Genesis hardware, including the Sega CD, with
Sega officially discontinuing the add-on in the first quarter of 1996, saying that it needed to concentrate on fewer platforms and felt the Sega CD could not compete in the current marketplace due to its high price tag of 300$ and outdated single-speed drive. having sold 2.24 million Sega CD units, including 400,000 in Japan, The sega genesis is a small part of video game history that is still remembered greatly.

SO it is why this STAGE of the retro VGM revival hour is dedicated to the music of the sega cd….

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments
STAGE 53: Games Of 2017

STAGE 53: Games Of 2017

2017 Started the New year off with a Bang and it only seemed to get better with each upcoming game release! Nintendo started the year with a re-imagined Zelda and ended it with new Super Mario game. Various other games and franchises returned to widespread acclaim. From a new Resident Evil to the return of a classic-style Sonic the Hedgehog game, there was never a better time to be a gamer.

2017 might have the strongest, most consistent year of quality games in quite long time.

So as a First for the retro VGM revival hour, We will be playing some selected tracks from the various games of 2017.

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments
STAGE 51: Castlevania (Part 3)

STAGE 51: Castlevania (Part 3)

A Dark shadow looms over the land.
Horrid creations of of the living dead , the supernatural and the unexplainable walk amongst us …..Monsters that fill our hearts and minds with sheer terror.

But in this darkness, a hero returns.
A whip-wielding vampire hunter, dedicating his life for a noble cause.

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments
STAGE 50: Halloween 4

STAGE 50: Halloween 4

Hoodie and jacket season has returned, pop up costume shops are in full force and Halloween trick-or-treating is right around the corner.
With this haunting day of celebration being among us, It’s time for the Retro VGM Revival hour to have its annual Stage Honoring some haunting Video Game Music Tracks. Ranging from sinister first person puzzle games and haunting text adventures to frantic, blood-soaked singleplayer romps, it’s a diverse selection of thrills no matter what you’re in the mood for this 31st of october.

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments
STAGE 48: Tim Follin

STAGE 48: Tim Follin

While a small number of video game composers go on to achieve great fame thanks to their work in the industry, there are countless others who receive little to no attention at all . One of those often forgotten great video game composers is Tim Follin. A talented individual who’s career has been often hindered by the poor quality of the games he composed music for, so such that despite his considerable talent as a composer, his work is regularly overlooked in favor of other, more well known composers who simply had the good fortune to work on high profile releases.

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments
STAGE 21: Yoko Shimomura

STAGE 21: Yoko Shimomura

Often described as “the most famous female video game music composer in the world”, With over 45 different games to her Resume, Yoko Shimomura has become one of the most well known and highly respected Video Game Composers The industry has ever known. From 1988 up to present day, her music has spanned countless generations and continues to influence new generations of fellow video game composers. Whether it was working for high profile companies like Capcom or Square Enix, Yoko Shimomura’s music has spanned decades, with each new composition becoming instant classics. This is why I thought it was finally time to honor the works of this amazing video game music composer In this STAGE of the retro video game revival hour.

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Retro VGM Revival Hour, 0 comments