Random Thoughts

For stuff that we may think about that isn’t really podcast related.

Honoring The Legendary STAN LEE

Honoring The Legendary STAN LEE

We here at the Nostalgia Road Trip are saddened to hear of the passing of comic legend Stan lee.
A man’s who’s contribution to Pop Culture cannot be overstated. A visionary that revolutionized the world comics by giving readers an endless, imaginative playground filled with the most incredible characters ever.

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Posted by Edgar Velasco in Random Thoughts, 0 comments
Gaming Retrospectives: Ōkami – Art, Nature, Myth, Beauty

Gaming Retrospectives: Ōkami – Art, Nature, Myth, Beauty

There has always been a hot debate regarding whether or not videos games are considered a form of art or not. In recent years, several games have proven that they are indeed works of art, even if there are still some detractors to that school of thought. It was such a debated topic for years… hell, even famed film critic Roger Ebert got in on it, writing an article which claimed that video games couldn’t be held in the same regard as film, poetry, music, etc. But he did shut up later on when he talked about how he deeply enjoyed the 1995 multimedia adventure Cosmology of Kyoto.

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Posted by Robert Menes in Random Thoughts, 0 comments
On Net Neutrality and What It Means for Small-time Artists Like Us

On Net Neutrality and What It Means for Small-time Artists Like Us

(The featured image above was borrowed from the EFF website and is under a CC-by-Attribution license)

On July 12, 2017, the internet took part in a massive protest again the FCC, who is looking to roll back classification of broadband and fiber from Title II (a telecom service) to Title I (an information service). What does this all mean?

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Posted by Robert Menes in Random Thoughts, 2 comments